Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Welcome Miss Ava

Here she is, isn't she a beauty. What is not to LOVE about this little girl?
She made Mom and Dad GREAT Grandparents,
She made all the siblings GREAT Aunts and Uncles,
She made Jackie and Clint a Grandma and Grandpa and
She Made KC and Alyssa a Mom and Dad! Congrats you guys.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


It was a little earlier than we usually go but again this year we headed out for a fun filled trip to Yellowstone. I don't think I've ever been to yellowstone in Oct when we didn't need at least a jacket. Well this year was the exception. It was beautiful, almost too warm. It was a little harder to see the elk as they were staying up high to keep cool, but it was still a great trip. Elk Crossing the Madison
We sat and watched this coyote pounce on a mouse. My boys were rooting for the mouse to escape and I was rooting for the coyote to get the dirty rotten little bugger
All the Buffalo had moved down near Canyon due to road construction on the way to West Yellowstone.
The elk at Mammoth

The mighty hunters pointing at the geese flying overhead, (there wasn't actually anything in the sky). Grandma bought the boys these $3.50 hunting outfits and the boys were proud as punch. They wore them all around the town in Jackson.

Our hike down to the bottom of Tower Falls. Unfortunately you can't see the falls anymore because the side of the mt is sliding.

Our first ever hike down to the bottom of the grand canyon of the Yellowstone. It was a fun hike but long. I still have the blisters to prove it. We had a good time and all the kids were troopers, even Mike.

This is quite the rough and tumble crew.

Who knew an elevator would be so much fun. I think this was our 5th trip up and down.

I think Trent should have been giving Mike a ride. Trent is a natural at mountain climbing.

Lunch at the "lunch spot" in Mammoth. It was so warm that we didn't see many Elk. There were a few dozen but not too many bulls.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Kids on the Block

Meet Dad and Mike's new pride and joy.

The buckskin is Grandpa's- Her name is Summer, Bryn Leigh started calling her that and it stuck.

The Bay is know around here as "The Bay Bomber". He is Mike's new ride.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Here I Come Ladies!

Oh my goodness, Ethan LOVES his motorcycle! He sits on it all the time and makes vroom vroom noises, and when he's on it and it's actually moving he is the hottest thing on the road (sidewalk, driveway . . . same diff).