Monday, September 6, 2010

LaPlata 2010 - The Scott's family photos from our summer trips to LaPlata

We left one of the digital camras in the trailer this year. We took a few photos here and there from the few trips we took up there. The first photos is from the "Parade". Then we have some Karl took outside the trailer at Kenzie's hummingbird feeder while Easton and I took our "quiet time" (He said he's too big for naps but let's have quiet time). Then there's a few from our swim trip to "Little Hawaii" on September 4. While we were swimming and playing with the kids and the dogs in the beaver pond, Karl was fly-fishing just a few hundred yards up the stream. Dad, Mom, Paula, Guppie, Graig, Dori and the kids had just left to go back to the camp about 2:00 pm and Shannon, MacKenzie and I were hanging out at our truck reading and napping while we were waiting for Karl to get done fishing. About 20 minutes after the others left, two trucks full of people pulled up to swim. The one guy come over to our truck as asked if we were waiting for a man that was fly-fishing. We told him we were and he said that they had passed him walking just past the second water crossing up and he said that he had ran in to a couple of bear. So Shannon drove and we went looking for him. We made it all the way up to the bridge and thought for sure we had missed him. I couldn't believe that he had walked all the way back there. While we were stopped there trying to decide if we should go back and look for him, Karl walked down from the switch backs. He was fishing just 200 yards up from where we were swimming and he saw everyone else drive past about 5 minutes before. He looked up and saw three little bears (oops wrong story), cubs that is, right across the stream (about 20 feet away). One of the cubs stood up on his hind legs and Karl said, "oh, s@*t", then he thought, wonder where the momma bear is and then she stood up right behind the three cubs and Karl said "son of a b*#%h". And took off running. He thought that we had left him when the others left, so rather then run down to where the truck was he ran up toward the bridge. Boy was he scared. We went looking for the bear later Saturday and again Sunday but weren't able to get pictures. We also have pictures of sage hen and a beaver from the lower ponds. Boy, was he fat! We also say porcupine, owl, deer, and moose up there this year. We are already making plans for next summer...

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